Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Perfectly Imprefect...

Dear You,

How are you doing? Not so great? Feeling a bit down? Misunderstood? Out of place?

We're not so different, you and I? Sure, we grew up in different parts of the world. We experienced different kinds of ups and downs, but honestly, we felt about the same- always slightly hollow.

When I was much younger, I had a dog named Rambi (she started off as Rambo, named after a family favourite, but when we realised she was a she  we replaced the o with an i- fitting), she was one of my best friends. In all of her black, furry majesty. She loved everything, and everyone that I did. I talked to her a lot- she understood me. When she died, that deflated feeling returned. I fell in and out of friendships, I fell in and quickly out of like (often mistaken for something more). There was a kind of friendship that I wanted, but couldn't seem to achieve. I felt like people weren't fully me-savvy. Not a lot of people understood us, did they? Even now.... Obviously it's different, but there is a  familiar feeling lurking in the shadows of our subconscious, isn't there?

What's interesting about us, You, is that we've always been afraid, haven't we? We're only truly ourselves around a handful of people and it might be fair to say that within that handful, there are some that we are only 60% of ourselves around, leaving us with probably one person. Why is that? They'd never fully get it, would they? We'd just scare them off.

I see you're getting impatient. "Where is this going?", you're wondering. I just wanted to write to you, to let you know that it's absolutely fine to be who you are. You are not alone. There are so many of us out there. In fact, I think we make up a large part of the population.

In all of our glory- all of our distinguished, special, colourful glory. Don't turn your back on the person you grew up to be- or the child you once were because that never really leaves you, does it?

We're all flawed. Boy! Are we all flawed. Sure, there are parts of our personalities that we can improve on but completely change who you are? Don't you dare! You are You; Beautiful, strong, unyielding, aware that you are an unfamiliar being yet proud to not be like the rest. You are You! Exciting, smart, animated, one of us... Perfectly imperfect.

I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone. You never were, you never will be. And when you find that missing piece to your puzzle, you will know completion like never before. But that does not mean that you are empty now, we make up a large part of you- we, your family- it only means that there is even more harmony to experience, to look forward to.

I'm off now, I just wanted to let you know. I overheard you, down trodden, upset, defeated and I could not bare to let you carry on thinking that you are alone. You are not, you never were, you never will be. So smile, get back up. There are many obstacles to battle in this life, let your identity not be one of them.


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