Monday, 8 April 2013

How old would you be, if you didn't know how old you are?

A few days ago, I was procrastinating at work by reading a snippet of Richard Bransons new book; Screw Business as Usual. One of the questions he asked, a quote he cites as his favourite, is; "how old would you be, if you didn't know how old you are?" It's a packed question. I know it's quite simply based on how old you feel/act right now, right? But isn't that an ever-changing thing? When we were younger, we wanted to be older, as we get older, we yearn for our youth. If you're anything like me, you went straight to the happiest moments of your lives, you maybe even compared ad contrasted, weighed the pros and cons, to answer this question.

It's really quite a difficult question to answer. A mind over matter situation I think. So I closed my eyes, took stock of my mind and body and thought about it. Far removed from societal conventions of age and maturity - two things that we have established do not necessarily go hand in hand - I'd be "in my twenties". It's vague, it's open-ended but to me it makes sense. I've written about being 23, trying to figure out who you are, what you want, where you want to be, and who you want to be there with. Not quite as mature as you can be but certainly - or hopefully- more knowledgeable than you were in your teens. With more experience under your belt, you are able to tackle life in a way that you probably wouldn't have been able to in your teens. I'd be in my twenties because I still have many mistakes to make, and I look forward to making and learning from them. I'm enjoying my twenties... I'm enjoying the freedom, not so much the financial responsibility, but I'm discovering so much about myself, life, culture. The possibilities are endless in your 20s and you realise it, so (hopefully) you take advantage of that.

I've written and rewritten this post a few times already, each time citing 21 as the desired age. Obviously the fear of the latter part of one's twenties is rife in my life at the moment, so I'd say specifically, this end of my twenties- just on a loop. I'm enjoying it... Mainly...

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