Monday, 5 December 2011

New York... New York!

I was listening to the Freinds With Benefits soundtrack because of this awesome remix of one of my fave SInatra tunes; New York, New York, by Ray Quin ft UltraLove. I love New York, it's an ideal that I can't get over. I do plan to move there, if only for a few months but it will be done hopefully.
Anyshitty, this song took me on a journey around the internet discovering some pretty cool photos of things I associate with New York... Enjoy the randomness... :)

Enjoy xx

"We all get dressed for Bill..."
-Anna Wintour, Editor, Vogue

Bill Cunningham: Veteran NYC Fashion Photographer.

Bill Cunningham, Photographer.

New York in the 70's: The side burns, the moustaches, the high waisted shorts and trousers, flared, fur... That's just the 70's in general but I managed to find a few flicks of NY in that era. 

Paul McDonough

Ahh when the fur craze truly flourished! 

So Hugo... (Boss- it will catch on!)

New York in the 80's was when people got bolder. Street art reigned supreme and Hip Hop culture, truly took shape and became more influential and more apparent much, I'm sure, to the chagrin of the middle class and above! Ha.
Tick tock, you don't stop! Lol.

New York subway 1986

South Bronx, 1981

Andy Warhal Jean Michel-Basquiat
The Bronx, NY, 1981

I reckon this encapsulates 1980's (Hip Hop) New York.

Here are some miscellaneous photos of NYC... I'll be doing a general toast tot he ninties post in a few days so be sure to check back for that :) 

Bruce Byers Photography

Bruce Byers Photography

Got this photo from the Telegraph and the story was on how "neurotic and unfriendly" New Yorkers are... Meh!